Pakistan Software Export Board (PSEB)
MANAGING DIRECTOR Pakistan Software Export Board PSEB) is an entity within government charged with the task of grown in the IT and ITeS-BPO industry. PSEB requires services of dynamic and higher professional for the post of Managing Director on contract basis for a period of two years in My lewe the following uscations and experience.
Qualification & Experience
MS degree in computer Science Electrical/Electronic Engineering and/or Master's degree in Marketing Management Business Admin IT from HEC record University 18 years of education - 15 years of relevant Professional experience with minimum five years in senior leadership role
Age Limit: Maximum 55 years of age by the closing date of applications
Required Skill/Set Job Description:
The incumbent will be responsible for the development and implementation of policies and investor increasing IT and ITS BPO exports. The candidate must possess strong international marketing and business development background preferably related to IT and ITS BPO sector
• The incumbent will be responsible for strategic planning, development and execution of programs for the growth and development of IT and ITS BPO industry . The candidate will be responsible for interacting with the local and national and manage a am composed of senior technical resources. The candidate will be responsible for execution of all the activities being carried out by PSEB . The incumbent has to be conversant we aferent sourcing inc key and commercial considerations that play a role in taking the industry to the next level. These would be to Achieve business change introduce risk management and develop approaches that foster awi w outsourcing relationships . Technical creative and business skills would be leveraged to ensure sucos in the new economy and stora knowledge focused informational companies who are looking to invest in the Asia Pacific, tome up operations in Pakistan Development of mat strategies for the industry is an essential component of the
• The incumbent should have technical communication and personal skills needed to act with senior management levels within the private and public sectors . Ability to provide leadership counsel, motivation and constructive performance reviews to stal securing their respective Comments to the goal of the Ministry is a plus . Must have been people management and have to work with both se a demind top industry leaders. Must have the communication required to practice with Government officials and other stakeholders . Must have demonstrated experience of providing vision, leading and managing multiple s of top professionals and delivering concrete and measurable results in a demanding corporate environment . Must have demonstrated experience of eving and cling emerging technologies and businesses and deliver sustainable competitive advantage
Pay Package & Facilities:
As per MP 1 Scale Approved by Government of Pakistan Prerequisites for Application submission.
The applicantured on the blowing documents
(a) Duy completed and signed Application form as available at
(b) A declaration on a non-judicial stamp paper of requisite available at
(c) Copies of the degrees testimonials duly verified by Higher Education Commission of the professional body of association, whichever is relevant
Note: Applications not conforming to the above requirements shall not be entertained. Complete applications along with required documents must reach the undersigned in the days of publication of this advertisement. Ad is also available at
org. bout us cancers Khursheed Anwar Bangash
Manager, Administration & HR Pakistan Software Export Board, 2nd Floor, Evacuse Trust Complex,
Agha Khan Road, Islamabad Email: pk. Ph: 051-9201422