Fatima Memorial Hospital Shadman, Lahore POSITIONS VACANT
Fatima Memorial Hospital is a 470 bed, multi-specialty, tertiary care teaching institution offering state of the art clinical services in several medical and surgical specialties. The Operation Theater (OT) Complex consists of ten operation theaters with a Central Sterile Services Department (CSSD). In view of the rapid growth, it requires the services of the following
The position of Assistant Medical Director exists for the implementation of administrative and clinical SOP's and provision of standardized services in the Hospital The incumbent will ensure optimal utilization of existing medical services Le. Private Rooms, Operation Theaters, Labor Room, and Diagnostic Service in coordination with clinical and administrative departments. Qualification: MBBS with MPH/DPH/MHA and having at least 05 years of relevant experience in management of a tertiary care health establishment. Strong management and interpersonal communication skills will be highly preferred. An ideal candidate must possess knowledge of appropriate standards and external bodies, such as Pakistan Medical & Dental Council (PMDC) and Punjab Healthcare Commission (PHC)
Eligible candidates may submit their applications along with resume through E-mail or directly in the Department of Human Resource latest by April 30, 2019 Telephone: 042-111-555-600 Ext. 434/311 defmitem.org Website: www.fatimamemorial.org.pk