The Punjab Municipal
Development Fund Company is seeking the service of a qualified,
experienced and
dynamic professional for the project “Capacity building for Sustainable
Services” for the following position:
Associate Engineer (Water Supply): (01)
Qualifications & Work Experience:
. Diploma in
Associate Engineering (DAE Civil) from well reputed and government
approved Institute
. At-least 15 years’
experience ¡n construction, Operation and Maintenance of Public
Water Supply Systems
particularly in Urban Localities.
. Well versed with
water supply data collection techniques, all components of the public
water supply
systems, their construction, operation, identification of their defects and
addressal, repairs
and maintenance processes, cost estimation and all other information
related to the water
supply systems.
. Should be computer
literate particularly MS Word and MS Excel.
The compensation for
the position ¡s market-driven, in commensuration with experience and
Please apply ¡n confidence by March 13, 2018. Only those candidates will be
considered for
shortlisting for interview who will apply through this job portal
For any
clarification please contact on 042-99204386-89.